Code of Conduct

LGE Code of Conduct

Business Integrity 

At Lisbon Gem Exchange (LGE) we stand for a just, transparent and equal business every day of our work. Aware that corruption is a major obstacle to sustainable development, has a negative impact on poor communities and it is corrosive to responsible business. Therefore, corrupt practices are in direct conflict with our commitment to promote responsible business practices and such practices are totally rejected by our company.
At LGE, we believe in business without corruption and we are dedicated to work against corrupt practices in every aspect of our business.

In order to prevent and mitigate corrupt practices LGE will make sure:

Not to act against national or international competition law regarding pricing, customer handling and competition.
Never to offer, give or accept gifts, entertainment or any other advantages exceeding local triviality limits.
Not to offer donations for political campaigns or political parties.
To avoid conflicts of interest. If such conflicts occur immediate actions will be taken.
Never to offer, authorize, give or accept bribery or extortion. Any incident where bribes are demanded shall immediately be reported to management.
To refuse paying facilitation payments to public officials.
Not to contribute to money laundering and financing of terrorism. Do this by ensuring that all financial transactions are legal and documented and by keeping records on the identity of your business partners.

This Business Integrity Policy applies to all LGE employees, Board of Directors as well as all consultants and/or advisors acting on behalf of or representing LGE.


Human Rights

LGE's activities impact the lives of people around the world. We acknowledge our responsibility to respect human rights and we commit ourselves to a proactive approach to advancing these rights, from the sourcing of the product to the shipping to our clients.

LGE will work diligently to ensure that our actions respect the United Nations' Guiding Principles on Businesses and Human Rights and the core conventions of the lnternational Labour Organization (ILO). We will proactively share our experiences with implementing these principles and advance human rights within our sphere of influence. 


LGE recognizes that our actions have positive as well as negative effects on our surroundings including the environment. The environmental footprint of the jewellery supply chain is primarily influenced by mining and refining, processes that are out of our direct sphere of influence. Therefore it is especially important to develop a two legged environmental approach that aim to advance responsible business practices in own operations as well as in the jewellery supply chain.


Whenever national law differs from this Code of Conduct, LGE must adhere to the stricter of the two. If it is perceived that current policy is being violated it is expected to raise the concern with management.

For any questions about Business Integrity, please find the relevant contact information below: